I don't like sports.. They are on and I'm on the chair and it is what it is, I'm probably thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch or what pants I have clean. Not my thing.
But! I love the National Anthem. This post is in Tribute to the Sunday's Superbowl and what it inspired within me. I don't even know who won, but I do know every type of cheese that was on the tray. Anyway. I paid attention to the National Anthem, and holy cow. Isn't it incredible? It's like, when that song is played, or sang, the world stops. I mean it, think about the unity, its absolutely incredible. I know you the feeling. Everyone becomes united, and that fire feeling in our gut comes alive. I thought a lot about this Sunday night and I decided to elaborate on this blog before I lost it.
During the National Anthem we're listening to our Nation's History, about where we've come. We feel a sense of pride and how American we are. But ya know what? I don't think that's where the "fire" feeling comes from. We think about where we've been together, we're feeling unity. And that's the fire that's inside of us. Last post I talked about Self Purpose and taping into our intuition, detaching from 'thinking' to find it, and now I might as well go to say intuition means soul.
So standing together like that, we all connect and we feel the fire that we all share, our united soul, our true oneness. It's not our history, or our American pride that we're feeling, but its each other, and holy shit, isn't it incredible?!
During these moments of Unity we describe them as how we feel frozen in time. Everyone is so there. Not thinking about dinner, (future, not real), not thinking about how someone was rude to them at the grocery store earlier (past, not real) but everyone is living in the moment. Truly feeling the moment, detached from thought, feeling one another, feeling that fire with ourselves, UNITED WE STAND. It's undeniable how powerful moments like that are. It can be overwhelming, and that's only experiencing thousands united, imagine billions! Imagine 7+ billion..
This post is going to be long as hell.
I, myself, have had a quite the spiritual journey, and it's brought me here thus far, but this is what I truly hold as truth. We are one. Not just with one another, but with God. We are each God individually, and as a whole, there is no separated power from 'above' that is watching down, well not exactly. Hear me out.
I'm taking an Anthropology class this semester and something quite extraordinary was introduced: The Anthropologist Perspective. (Anthropology is the study of people). The perspective is that Anthropology is holistic. Well first here, don't get me wrong, what I'm about to say WAS NOT taught to me in my class, this is all my own thought process after utilizing knowledge that I have gained.. Okay, so anyway, what holism means is that the sum is GREATER than all of it's parts combined. So let's apply this to God and People.
God > Person
God ⊇People
When we unify ourselves, we feel FIRE, something greater than we ever feel in day to day life individually, think about this.
When we unify, we become stronger than what we are individually. Its mathematical. When we become whole, we become something else. Let me give an example.
A tennis ball and a table. The tennis ball represents people/God. The table represents planet Earth. Let's be realistic here, and say the table has a weak leg or something, eaten by termites, who knows. That can symbolize natural movement of the Earth, Earth quakes, wind, hurricanes, etc etc. Okay so you cut the tennis ball in half. Now each half represents the people of Eastern and the Western Hemisphere and you sit them on the table. They fucking sit there. They don't move. As the Earth naturally shifts, as the table leg decays and drops, causing movement, tennis ball halves slide around the table, but that's it. Then you cut each half into halves and you have Nations of people. They now are able 'accomplish' even less, still stuck on the table, but move around the table slower as it shifts because they don't have the same amount of weight as they preciously did, so they don't make it down to the other side of the table as quick. Cut the ball into smaller pieces and the process continues. Cut it down all the way to represent individual persons and the ball becomes dust onto the table. Think about dust on a real life table, if you flip upside down, the table top is still dusty, dust has ZERO power. The Theory of Relativity applies here just as the same as it does in the Natural World.
Okay, but think about if we never cut that ball up in the first place. What happens if the table shifts? That ball HAS AN ENDLESS POSSIBILITY! It rolls off the table, into the air, hits the floor, fucking bounces, bounces all around the room. The room now is the Universe. If we would unify, we would have endless possibilities. Because think about this, this is whats so holistic about it, you put all the pieces of that ball back together, and you get a whole ball, but what that ball can do is far beyond what was even imaginable of the ball pieces. We would have never thought a whole ball would have been able to bounce, we would have had no idea. But the ability to bounce is gone as soon as you disrupt any of its wholeness, even if its cut in half, you wouldn't know it could bounce. You might have an idea, you see the rubber interior, and you can make an educated guess, but then its only a theory. But the more you cut it down the more impossible it seems, right?
We have cut that ball down into exponential billions.
Getting back to America, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Lets break this down. When America was founded we stood as one. We were a decent sized piece of that ball. Liberty and Justice for all, equality, we WORKED TOGETHER AND AS ONE. But we've gotten away from that, we live very Capitalized. The rich don't want to give to the poor, the poor want to take from the rich, there is so much separation it's stifling. We truly live every man for himself. Look at how much we prospered as a whole when we were originally founded, and look at us now. United we stand, my ass.
Imagine if the world came together, imagine how great it would be to live on Planet Earth.
Now okay back to God. Talking about the U.S. was just an example on a very small scale. I do believe if we come together we are the God that the Bible speaks of. We tap into that fire feeling that unites us, the same fire that Buddhists mediate to. I truly, truly believe every core belief of every religion is truth, we just misinterpreted them all.
Christianity says "I made man in my image"-God. God made man. Well, physically, homo sapien-ly, Larry and Toni Smith made me. I am physically 50% of each of them. Well if God created us, me, you, animals, water, all life.. then we are only him. Together we create his whole. Think about this, really take a minute and think about this. Physically we all created each other, food chain, procreation, we are all connected, and physically we all reproduce one another. All the way back to the big bang, so that puts us then at one with the cosmos.
Another interesting thing, is the big bang. The Bible tells us, as well as science, 7 days for the creation of life. Now theorists are beginning to say that it wasn't a 'big bang' but more of a 'big bounce'. (Funny, my reference to the tennis ball, completely unintentional.) Meaning BOOM- Life bouncing and expanding outward, as we see in space, everything is rushing away from a center. But the physics and mathematics of it suggests that we'll reach an endpoint and rush back inward. Once the universe has completely condensed, it will BOOM- BIG BANG outward again, essentially a big bounce. Now what I find INCREDIBLY interesting about this is- think of a bounce. Up down up down up down = in out in out in out. Yin/Yang, To be or not to be? Black/ White. What about that is any difference than respiration? Inhale exhale inhale exhale= the definition of life. The Universe breathes, but on a much, much larger scale of course. Isn't that incredible!?
So lets get back to religious texts. Breathing. The center of Buddhism The focal point of Meditation. Now, isn't it interesting that two of the World's largest 'ways of life' if you will, Christianity/Islam both pray. Meditation is a form of prayer, with meditation you stop 'thinking' and listen to the guidance of your soul, with Christianity/Islam you speak to your soul, if we can continue on the basis that your soul is your piece of our shared greater power.. what happens when you unify the separate beliefs? You create a conversation, inhale/exhale, up down, MOVEMENT of a whole.
Now I don't know too much about Islam so lets talk about Christianity, because I do know much about that. So its believed that God is a greater power. But just as we said, "greater power than all of its parts combined, greater than but also equal to."
Let's really dig into this. Lets go with the idea that Christianity speaks truth. But has it been interpreted correctly? I'm going to go as far as to say the same as it is for every religion. They are all ancient, and I really believe our ancestors knew this. But I'll save that for the next post.
Try to read everything that I say below as people living as a whole, use that perspective. God is people living as a whole/one.
Luke 4:4 - And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God
Okay, so don't live alone/individually but TOGETHER.
Mark 7:7 - Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.
Teaching God in vain, as separate but not living as one. A Christian perspective, I don't mean just 'living as one' as love thy brother, because God wants you to, but love thy brother to because doing so is God. I mean that literally. IS GOD, not "is God" because that's living "like" God, but because when you do that you become.
Think about this. "See through the eyes of God" That's not WWJD, that's literal. THIS IS WHY EQUALITY HAS ALWAYS BEEN DEEMED SO IMPORTANT, because that's what we truly are.
The Bible is real people, but its not talking about a Higher Power that is seperate from us, we unify and our power becomes higher, LITERAL.
I mean this from the core messages of what the Bible speaks. Not just when Men are speaking because I think they misinterpreted the messages back then too. But the Ten Commandments are good example.
1.Thou shalt not have any other god but me. |
2.Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol |
3.Thou shalt not misuse the name of the Lord your God. |
4.Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. |
5.Honor your father and mother. |
6.Thou shalt not murder. |
7.Thou shalt not commit adultery. |
8.Thou shalt not steal. |
9.Thou shalt not testify falsely against your neighbor. |
10. Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's house. |
Web definitions
Shall and will are both modal verbs in English used to express propositions about the future |
Watch this. Let's extent the sentence.
"[When you take your shoes off] you will not walk through the house with your shoes on." Okay, duh.
"[When you take your shoes off] you must not walk through the house with your shoes on." Okay, makes no sense.
Now watch this.
1.You will not have any other god but me. |
2.You will not make for yourself an idol |
3.You will not misuse the name of the Lord your God. |
4.Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. |
5.Honor your father and mother. |
6.You will not murder. |
7.You will not commit adultery. |
8.You will not steal. |
9.You will not testify falsely against your neighbor. |
10. You will not covet your neighbor's house. |
So the Bible has been interperted that to know, also find, God, you have to do these things. But once we become God/unified, we just 'wont' do those things, right?
Because watch..
1.You will not have any other god but me. We will be one, will be God/Whole, therefore will be nothing else. |
2.You will not make for yourself an idol because of equality, we will be a whole and for an idol to exist, there would have to be separate parts. |
3.You will not misuse the name of the Lord your God. We will realize together we ARE God, there will not be separate parts, therefore, Oh My God! which literally means calling unto God will be gone. Not the word's that we think are 'bad' to say. We won't call unto God to create a action because its not like we have to call our own names to ensure we do it, right? "Jessica, go get into the car" isn't necessary for me to climb into my car. Maybe on lazy days, but I'm still actually able get into the car. |
4.Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Living each day holy, meaning one. Sabbath means the day of rest, rest means peace. Each day as God will be peaceful, we will remember to stay intact as one, as holy, as peaceful. |
5.Honor your father and mother. Creators, each other. |
6.You will not murder. As one, to murder someone would be to murder a part of ourselves, which would be pointless, so we won't do it. We will not murder, it'll be pointless. |
7.You will not commit adultery. Now this one, to cheat on someone, would be to cheat on myself and would be impossible, because we would all be one, therefore, it wouldn't even exist. |
8.You will not steal. We'd be stealing from ourselves, if we were One, we just wouldn't do it. I can't steal my own book now, I only move it. |
9.You will not testify falsely against your neighbor. I'd be selling myself out, which is impossible, because to be out there would have to be in, and as one there is only what IS. Opposites show separation, and as one, that does not exist. |
10. You will not covet your neighbor's house. It'll be shared, meaning, part mine, I wouldn't view it as not part mine if we were a whole. |
Do you see? The Ten Commandments show how our lives will be when we accept God. Not rules to follow. And to accept God means to become One with one another, as well as everything in creation. Realizing, that us, homo sapiens, is only a mere expression of our true existence. I get that I'm getting really deep here, but to understand this, you have to see that it's 'thinking' which is only a characteristic of our species, we just think it defines us. It doesn't. Again, think of wings on a bird. The bird could still live without the ability to fly. We could still live without the ability to think, just not in the social world, the one that we created, right?
Anyway, another thing in reference to the Bible. Moses, using the power of God, tapping into our oneness, separated the Red Sea. Okay, do you remember the story of Moses? He was leading people out of Egypt and away from Pharaoh Ramses, "LET MY PEOPLE GO". In essence he was leading for equality, oneness, okay so essentially, he knew the truth of what we are and lived accordingly. So he separates the Red Sea with his staff. Think back to that tennis ball and table. But now, that tennis ball is 15 lb medicine ball. Lets say the table is an Ikea coffee table, still representing our Earth, so all principles I stated before still apply. The ball is God, or Mose's Oneness, and it comes crashing into the center of that coffee table, it still bounces, and sure enough splits that table into two. The power of that ball changed that physical planet, manipulated it, SPLIT THE DAMN SEA. Isn't this incredible?!?!
Moses prayed before he did it, Praying combined with Meditation, speaking and listening to whats inside of us. Individual but also as a whole, because we all have it.
Think of fire. I've called fire our soul. What happens when flames are combined, they burn bigger and hotter, the fire becomes more powerful.
All of this fits religion and science. We act like it all has to be one or the other, but it doesn't!
What I find so almost unbelievably extraordinary is that I've discovered it as my truth by tapping into what I think 'feels' right. Listening to whats inside of me.. and that's also what I believe to be true, and for the first time this is a belief system that I TRULY believe, because it makes sense to me. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying THIS IS WHATS RIGHT, I completely believe that it is, but if you read this and it doesn't 'feel' right, then its not your truth. Whatever you find as your true truth, combined with mine, is what will make us whole.
ALSO! Before I bring this post to a close, I would like to point out one other thing in reference to Commandment #9. I said that I'd be selling myself out, which is impossible, because to be out there would have to be in, and as one there is only what IS. Opposites show separation, and as one that does not exist. Okay, so in reference to my "yin/yang/ in out, up down, inhale exhale" that I said defined respiration as the key to life.. Let me point out, that means Life on Earth. Because when we die, we don't need to inhale/exhale, we don't go up or down, because we go to Heaven. We "return to the Kingdom of God", we "reunite with our Creator", our soul returns to the Oneness. Okay, so think about this for a second. If we all become One here on Earth, then no opposites exist, meaning ZERO variance, right? Everything becomes the same. Meaning the physical all connects as one.. Think about it. If everything that has any contrast disintegrates, and all what is 'seen' is the same.. lets say everything turns red, no difference in anything. Or black, or white like light. EVERYTHING IS GONE.
So. What do you think happened to the Mayans?
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