This post is about reproduction, try not to mistake that with "flawed perception of beauty", that's not what I'm trying to say.
We're beginning to be taught that the media is a terrible thing, I mean it gives us news and what not and is fantastic for that, but that it's telling young girls they are too fat. Ya know what, it's so much deeper than that. Lets think about this. Its a mass subconsciousness of our species future, seriously. Listen to me, this may take a few minutes for me to explain. This post is not about how the media is flawed and that we are all beautiful just the way we are, bare with me as I get all this out and you will see what I'm getting at.
Skinny is in. Skinny in a way that is not natural for at least what, 90% of the population?! Think about this.. the body type that we have sexual-ized is almost impossible to obtain after a woman has carried a child. And I don't mean that she doesn't work out or diet, she can be just as thin surely, but her hips have widened, her breasts have enlarged.
This is what we as a mass, drool over, men and women both.
She's a knock out!
But look at this...
Clearly, she's not healthy. That's a picture of anorexia. Okay, now, its really important that you follow me here. Again, I really need to stress that my point here is NOT that our perception of beauty is flawed.
Because if I do this..
Both bodies would fit into that outline. Essentially the same shape, right? One is attractive, glowing healthy skin, bright eyes, toned muscle, the other with the opposite. But isn't it interesting that the shape of what we know to be deadly is the same shape as what we consider to be trophy? Think about this. Clearly, I'll say it again, the difference in attractiveness between the pictures is the difference in health. But the SHAPE is the same.
Next. Venus. Do you know about Venus? Talk astrology and she's the Goddess of Intimate Love. What makes love intimate? Sex. What does sex do, potentially? Make babies.
Venus has been depicted by ancient cultures all around the world and all throughout time. (How interesting is this?)
Meet Venus.
Venus, the goddess of Fertility. Look at those hips! Her breasts are saggy! Thunder thighs! This was idolized, and not by just one group of people, but all over the world!
Now.. Lets take this over here for a minute..
the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
Lets break that down, shall we?
"being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction.."
Okay so, we're alive. Life defined with reproduction. What makes our species sustainable is the ability to reproduce. Well we've always thought of that ability as creating offspring, right?
Our ancestors idolized big hipped, huge rack Venus by her displaying her capability to reproduce. Just as how I said earlier that once a woman has a baby her hips widen, she can't manipulate their new, widened setting.
So life is reproducing..?
Well, lets read a little further into that LIFE definition. "and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."
So lets think about the world here for a moment. And I do not mean the Western World, but the entire planet. First, lets focus on the Third World. People are DYING because of famine, children are STARVING. "Don't drink the water." People are dying because of the lack of accessibility to clean water. There aren't sufficient resources to keep people alive.
But okay, furthermore.. its been said that Americans are greedy because we are obese and the rest of the world is starving, and we continue to dump out plate fulls a day. I ask that you really think about this. I offer this for you to consider..
Are American's obese because we over eat or because of WHAT we over eat? Think about our food. ITS NOT FOOD. It's pumped with preservatives and artificial additives. Why? Because it then lasts longer, because it's cheaper. The majority of what our diet consists of is synthetic bullshit. Fake food is affordable, that's how we feed our families. Yes, we over eat, we are lazy, we are fat, cool. We could even get into American business and talk about how warped it is that pure, organic, healthy food is so costly. All that makes sense. We are able to over eat because we have such a supply of "fake food", yes, that's a huge factor in the cause of obesity, but that's not what I'm getting at. Dig deeper. This whole business of shitty affordable food had to have derived from somewhere. So I ask you, what makes something expensive?
Basically, think about diamonds. Rare, everyone wants them, therefore expensive. Back to fake food being so cheap. Its cheap because we have it in oodles and oodles. Organic, high nutrient food is expensive because 1.) We can't make it, the Earth supplies it. 2.) Everyone has a need for it, nutrient value for individuals as well as for the supply of "fake food" production. BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS TO EAT IN ORDER TO LIVE.
WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO GO AROUND. People are dying in parts of the world due to a lack of food. Westerners are killing themselves with cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, developmental disorders due to preservatives, THE LIST GOES ON. WE ARE ALL DYING FROM A LACK OF FOOD. The Western rate is just prolonged due to our attempts to salvage the little we can get a hold of.
So lets go back to that life definition again. "and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."
Western World adapted to food shortage by splitting the little bit up and adding preservatives to make it last, fillers to keep us full. But point blank what I am saying here is this. WE ARE OVER POPULATED. We cannot keep the Earth's population alive with the shortage in resources. We just can't.
Now, lets go back to the image of women that we sexualize. Remember Venus? Reproduction, a practice that defines life. Fertility. We CREATED offspring with reproduction when we had the resources to expand our population.
We can't keep our population alive in today's age. So how does reproduction fit into our lives now? WE SUPPRESS IT. Look at what we sexualize! One of the world's most attractive women has the same frame as a woman who we know has zero ability to bare a child! GOD, ISN'T THAT SO INTERESTING?! Its our mass subconsciousness knowing that we do not have the resources to continue to repopulate in the ways of the past. When we have the resources to do so, we will start to have sex again with what we subconsciously believe will keep our species alive. When we over populate again, we will slow down the reproduction rate all over again. Why do we do this?! TO KEEP OUR SPECIES ALIVE. THINK ABOUT THIS. We, as a mass, subconsciously know, that we could kill ourselves off, so we slow it down in order to preserve!
And to think, its believed that the media tells us girls are too fat and no one wants them. That's not it at all! There is no one right body type, now, or in history, or in the entire scheme of things! It changes throughout time due to preservation of the species. Yet, its taken so personal.. how silly! Women that have had kids think that their bodies are ruined because no one wants to sleep with them, when really, no one wants to sleep with them because they hold a body that screams 'I AM ABLE TO REPRODUCE' and that's what we are subconsciously suppressing. Fat girls are told to be skinny, not because they are ugly but because they are unattractive!
One last thing here, just a little food for thought because its kind of cool. Lets talk about big butts. African American men love big butts, right? Big Sean does. Or how's it go, "cute face, little waste, with a big behind"..?
Check this out.
Seen in ancient African women (mostly). Africa is where we all came from. Small bodies with HUGE asses, as a fat storage. Its not about having a big butt on a body, but having a big butt on a little body. That's where that came from. Think about the history behind that one!